Parley Va English?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dr Strange Prophecy

One Blog 1 Saturday

As was foretold by prophecy. I shall blog as to wit, why should I write a Doctor Strange script?

Are you aware of the prohibition versus vampires and werewolves in the comic code? I am. The Marvel TM universe skirts the issue by having 'different' vampires. Werewolfism happens, but only in an 'obliviate' hogwartian style fashion. If there is a werewolf there must be someone casting the 'make someone a werewolf' spell. Vampires, a little different story. Ya see, there was this title called Arion The Atlantian.. and this weird pink funky lookin monster guy that was an antagonist for Arion the Atlantean cast a master level spell and created vampires. They cant die ~ unless *all* of them die. And suffer agg damage to silver. Stephen Strange Master of the Mystic Arts ( but not sorcerer supreme of the earth dimension at the time ) almost destroyed all the vampires by reading passages from the tome of Darkholm, but could not complete the spell because his brother Victor was a vampire and ya canna kill ya brother. Right?

My knowledge of the comic code is not the reason I should write a doctor strange script. A man could get a PhD detailing the minutia of my previously vague assertion regarding the use of 'vampires' in the Marvel TM universe.. particularly if they analyse the use of Mobius TM the 'not a vampire but kinda walks like a vampire' ( quack ) element in regards to the whole anti vampire ..and most importantly the 'why' of why vampires and werewolves are forbidden in the comic code.. At least not werewolves and vampires as most people understand them ~ no! Atlantis Vampires equal bueno. Jesus vampires equal blasphemy. Apparently. BUT! The fact that I know the comic code is not why I should write a doctor strange script! Nono!

I am summoning the spirit of Tom Robbins! I shall not backspace! I shall!

I remember the first actual doctor strange comic I actually read. I had seen him and his eye of aggamatto and etc. He had been in a crossover or another. The magic master magician guy. Yeah. Anyway - power pack! Or whatever, but then I read a doctor strange comic. Ya see - Doctor Strange met this guy who was sorta a gold ..dr fate.. ish.. kinda person who wanted all the magic everywhere. The gold guy explained that there was a finite amount of magic in existence and if everyone used magic then no one had allot of it. So ..... the gold guy was going back in time and using Doctor Strange to help him pass through the ages of retroconectivity. Eventually it was the gold guy and Doctor Strange standing at the nearly the dawn of time moment and the gold guy is like 'ok now it is only you and me using magic and now I understand half of everything and let me explain some things and now you have to leave so that I can go to the actual dawn of time moment without you the only other person who uses magic and be the only person who uses magic and then understand all of everything' and he then teleported Dr Strange to the exact moment goldy had pulled Dr Strange out of the time stream and then goldy apparently reached nirvana. And Yeah. Nobody died. There were no fights. It was just a story. The first one of DR S I ever read. This is really no nevermind simply a factoid paragraph.

If you dont know how the comic code fucking works and you have never read a Doctor Strange comic for the sheer love of it then you should probably not even so much as attempt to write a Doctor Strange script. If you have never sold a script to anyone then you are not allowed to join the screen writers guild of America.. If you have never been paid to run a D&D game then you are not allowed to join the table play conductors guild of America... I just made that up up! I have about *that* much prerogative. Are you aware of the nature of the creation of the character known as Damage? Are you aware of how awesome the character called Damage is? Can you explain to me why he is not used more often? Did you like Amalgam? Did you die inside when Ultraverse gasped its last desperate failure ridden breath? How many ( no please do - count - a fucking number ) superheroe characters ( villains bystanders and extras included ) have you *ACTUALLY* created? Hehe, pardon me for leaning on my 1008. Fuck you ;) Im working on it. And,

The reason I should write a Doctor Strange script.. is because I know who the goddam Beyonder is!