Parley Va English?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Camera Blogger

The time has come.

I am to get that camera out of the bag. And instead of using a steady shot I will have to use my ninja hands to keep a still shot of several Comic Books. Comic Books! There should be a link to my Youtube / AskShea here or there or somewhere nearby ( so no reason to blue my text ) or about. You may, or may not, have seen the Commercial. Really it was a test, but I flared it up to commercial status. When I first got the idea I was like, a half hour commercial ?? But, then I immediately thought of the thirteen half hour, and four hour long "Commercials" that I have seen on Youtube. I watch allot of long play and live play so I think the system accross the board may send a few more my way than they do other people. I haven't heard of this being a thing but if it is well, then thats an Idea. Love that channel. Its just, fair? Like, every perspective really feels like it is getting its view.

Youtube / PBSIdeaChannel

The stills for the hour long special will require a significant amount of time and I will not be completed with them until the perhaps halfway through the Commercial Casting class that I am taking. I will be gleaning the arts of a Casting Director from one Vicki Goggins while I am analyzed for commercial talent potential. In a world, with this cannon, boom. I have high spirits regarding this like like lieieieiek! I am not writing squee, oh look there and what you made me did. Reminds me of a Natalie Embrujiali ( sp ) Concert.. No it doesn't, why am I lying to you~ It is so hard to avoid using those little ways of speech. Too easy. Am I right? Huh, you shouldn't. Its rude, and seriously uninspired to walk around quoting the words of another person instead of thinking with your own heart and mind. The hardest part about it, is that it is so easy to feel that ephemeral sense of ownership and entitlement with that show. Its all muckified up with that #HeForShe thing. Ya know don't ya know. If you don't know : Check out Bo Burnham's what -- its on YouTube.

I hate youtube, I'm on YouTube!

Yes you read that right. Vicki Goggins. On the peg board. Right now we have the Dark Sith overload pegboard of TVI Actors Studio, Aethercon IV, and Twigooglbooke.. why is that word all confabled in my sparkly bits. Brain chemicals must dreaming something of them, or whatever. I have been ranting about it on FB. But, Mah Googles Aints Workin! But, my google is working. Myself and Google are cordial and positive working business associates. The fact I don't know how to twizzle his twizzel sticks, and that my swizzle doesn't swuzzle the way I have come to expect ( lo and tho I thing FB had twozzel and swizzle to towozzol as well or as semi stabily as FB has ) does not mean that Google is not my friend. I simply don't get notifications of google's updates.. APIs? Its not encoding. Discretion is one of the orders of my day.  I said it once and I will say it again, cause whose got two thumbs and thinks this shit is funny: Discretion is the better part of chowder.

And Glory is the Better Part of Valor.

Camera Time  :) I will edit an update of picture in due time.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Busy as a Bee

I am going to draft a short blog about myself, which I think is the real blog. You have tech blogs, and various craft blogs, but if someone says that they have a blog without descriptor my mind immediatly goes to a sort of capitan's style phenomena. A company blog has the same implications, where even a tech blog presumes some sort of auther self reference, even if only in the scaresest 'I havnt worked with this type of ...' style note in the blog. If there was no author self reference then the piece is much more of a real article, and there are news articles out there that are really only considered blogs because they are published on a blog. Therin lies sort of the thing, an article in a newspaper holds small attachment to the paper it is attached in, whereas a blog is both the piece and the production.

I am working on a more artically style piece for the Chamber Plays and Conducting shelf here on my blog, and I am also considering how to use this blog, this Blogger, My ONE Blog. Note the least of which is creating a new shelf for me to 'reprint' items from Facebook and elsewhere. Some of my 'comments' are pratically a blog, and I have posted in other blogs such as the hardest level blogging platform that I may or may not have access to anylonger. I aim to be able to use Blogger features to promote and display my ONE Blog in a way that comes off as one bloggy, and not just a big pile of this and that without any display logic to them. These thought lead to and such things as youtube integration. Yay.

I am also working with Light Lyre! Wii! Got to use one of the workstations for a few hours for just whatever, made a style sheet for Nepa Ninjas. And I have been reading CSS/HTML5 and DOM stuff. And devising a PrC for the conducting shelf, and wondering why twitter eats Music Shea Blogs, hmm, why does tumbler eat my youtube tweets.. interesting verse. A song seems out of reach, and I wonder if I should succinct this semantics, and return to it.

Monday, May 19, 2014

What am I doing!?

So, I have a day off, that of course I am going to do something completely different with it. Aands iyes is bloggerified in my brain globes :heh.

I am not vlogging this. It is a blog.
music: wheres my money ,honey~ :smile:

Where was I, oh on a real farmville. Only 3 miles of treeline to clear tomorrow. Or so. We shall see how far I get with that. There is also grass to mow ..... but the lawnmower is ..large, and ..I am, gonna wait till someone can show me what exactly does what where before I do that. Old friend nearbouts came by the store and offored to come up, do part of the lawn and show me how to use the huge thing, anyway. That is for later,

finished mah cigarrette, time to watch spiderman.
The Amazing One, that doesnt use the power line..
Great stills, wheres the video game, online probably.

.....crap. I got let go from the part time thing I was doing..

Well, all is well because I would only have been able to work for them a couple of more days anyway because!! I am going to start helping at Light Lyre Studio on thursday!!! Woot! Its not a paid gig but, I will be helping with a real movie production! YEEEHAW! I have no idea what the project is going to be, but that is fine by me! This project will be taking up all the rest of this month and next. I am so psyched!

Other news, I am tying my social media stuff together and making progress, I think I am going to get a foodstamps card for the next few months as my monies are going to be very tight unless something wild like some one buys my one of my books, and the last time I talked to my dad he asked about Gen Con. Gen Con! Woot! So that is looking up! I am going to get insurance and hopefully tag my car in the next couple of days, and that wil be good. I have been on foot for like two years.. hmm, what else?

Tango! I found an awesome app for my android device that gives me the ability to send video text messages, its pretty cool. Hmmm, thats all I can think of right now. Um, I guess I am considering doing a complete makeover on this category of my blog, and on the days I am not working with Light Lyre I will be doing HTML5 dev for mine webs. So if you you havnt seen in all its clunky HTML4 preproduction glory check it out!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


One Paragraph to rule them all, one paragraph to bind them, one paragraph to meta narrate them all, and on the internet bind them. youtube/askshea, wikidot/campaignsmile, online/ifyousheashow. Please respect SMS grammer, and remember to Smile!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Stretching my blogging muscle!

I need to get back into blogging. Really blogging. Like, I used to blog all the time. About everything from bad spelling to yoga postures. I guess the truth is something has turned me off of the site I have been blogging at. Nothing about their service or anything like that. I am not complaining about the button interface. Just something in life or whatever that has drawn me away from my old blogging haunt. Recently I have found myself what I call 'faceblogging' ..yeah its kinda failblog, but I find myself doing it. I am a very musey writer. I can pretty much write something anytime but not anything whenever I want. Like I am writing in wordpad right now. wtf. I am a notepad purist. Purist! I say! Gahh, I am not sure the grammar really conveys the sentiment there. But, what I am saying is that I go syntactically where the muse draws me. A supersticious and cowardly thing perhaps, but it is what it is.

Hitting return twice is not necessary in wordpad. Who knew? I feel that online journaling is best done with a line break between thoughts. Its wild, faceblogging with the comment interface. wtf. Like, its too much line break..ya know.. Like write a five comment essay on a facebook post. Reads *pretty much* like a five paragraph college paper, but also not, because the number of lines between each comment just throw the whole thing off. I have got to get back to real bloggery. Real bloggery! I say! I had something to say a minute ago.....and I still do! What I am not exactly sure, I have been taken up lately by my daily life. I did however write an eight comment faceblog about Disney City the other day. Its public on my 'if you shea show' facepage. Gahh, people that create their own fanpage on facebook. Really!?

So like I am sortin through my email right? Ok wait a minute there is no music playing. Music! ..... ok better. Aha! Suddenly I am remembering something very salient about ONE Blog. Be topical! SO this blog is about blogging. About how I have not been blogging. I have been faceblogging, which tisnt really blogging at all. About how to blog, which is; to be both topical and free. Good blogging is flow. Great blogging is flowing in one direction. Toward a point. Toward a real gold medal. Why are you blogging and who are you blogging to? Another man might have put two interrogitives there.. but the interrobang is real. Are you an interrobanger too? I think that the truely effervesant and exigent truth in regards to who who who are you blogging at are, you should, you would.. be blogging to whomever might be listening.. to what you have to say. Right? Write to et all. eg. This blog shall be named!

What is in a name? The If You Shea Show is not my nameology. It was an answer to why 'AskShea' wasnt going to work. We were discussing it, a whole group of us, and one of the more silent participants leaned forward. And simply siad 'The If You Shea Show' and no one. Not one person in the gang had a thing to say. Flabbergasted. Struck dumb. Nailed to the quik. Then we registered the domain name. What works is what works. What works is letting your think box flow while keeping a goal in mind. Flumoxing around with errant ideas and not one whit to a conclusion or success scenario..that is what doesnt work. If you can enliven a muse and find a even so sully a point as 'this blog is about blogging' ( which I said I wouldnt do again when I started this blog ) then you have a blog. Otherwise you are whiling away a nameless piece of semi rant worthy reading. Idle rant worthy reading. This blog shall have a name, and that name is! Stretching my blogging muscle!